About me

It took me 45 years to learn: this is it! I really am more than enough exactly as I am. I am still learning everyday, old habits are stubborn! However, my endless drive for better, more, faster, further, never good enough finally came to an end. This is it!

It really is as simple as the yogic and buddhist traditions teach: everything you need in this moment, right inside yourself.  Just come home to yourself. 

And so I found my life’s purpose: to stand in my own strength and fully own it. And to help others do the same; to be at ease and comfortable in your own body and mind.  

Focus on movement and food

A happy body and a happy tummy go hand in hand—free from muscle tension, pains, and digestive discomfort.

I have always been moving. As a young girl, I was a little ballerina, later exploring Tai Chi, climbing, sailing, snowboarding, Yoga and Essentrics…. the common denominator; moving smoothly with the whole body to feel free, fit and energized. I have been a certified Vinyasa flow yoga teacher for 10 years, and certified as an Essentrics teacher over 2 years ago.

My upbringing in Asia  infused me with a love for traveling and exploring cultures, art and cooking. In addition to sports and art, I have been diving deep into Ayurvedic nutrition and cooking and the buddhist practice of living and eating mindfully. My creativity flourishes in designing classes, workshops and food menus.  

So why so much interest in movement and healthy food? Its the foundation to feeling happy in your body and mind. Both help to truly relax in your own body and be satisfied just as you are.

Its been quite a journey. I started my career very differently; for 22 years I was a full time engineer and business developer specialized in hydrogen and sustainability. I was passionate and driven, but running and reaching continuously and depleting my energy. 

Recently I chose to focus my time, energy, creativity and skills on truly working from my heart and my passion; wellbeing. Initially caring for my 2 children, family and friends. Gradually expanding to teaching and coaching, to help others feel more balanced, energized, free of pain and restrictions. Inspired by the complementarity of yoga, Essentrics, Ayurveda and mindfulness I hope to help others live more fully and happily. To simply be yourself and in your strength.  


Phone: +31 (0)680071414

email: hanna.hellman@gmail.com